It is hard to believe that my sweet baby is already one. It seems like only yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. Wren's first year has been so much fun and a huge learning experience. I really thought that the second child would be easier because I already knew what I was doing. To some extent that is true, but on the other hand adjusting to doing everything double time is hard to handle. Matt and I talk about how blessed we are to have such easy going babies. Wren has been pretty laid back and I think she already knows how to roll with the punches, and I know she is going to be a tough little thing. The other day Ella was yelling in Wrens face and Wren was just watching her like "no big deal." She has handled being sat on, hugged too tight, and whatever else her big sister has so lovingly given to her. The dynamics between them is fun to watch, because you can tell Wren loves Ella the most. When she sees her big sister she grins from ear to ear. A few other memories that I hope to always have about my youngest girl is that when she was born we called her surfer baby. She was so red with bleach blond hair. She looked like she just came from a day at the beach. Also, she loves baths. As soon as she hits the water she is splashing like crazy. My most favorite thing that she does is lays her head on my shoulder. She will cuddle even when she is not tired. You can tell she just loves to snuggle tight. I can't wait to watch Wren as she grows. This next year will be full of many firsts. First steps, first words, first trip to the beach. I know it will be exciting.
Thank you Lord for Wren. Bless her this next year.

Wren, One Day New

Two Months Old
October 08
Christams 08
8Months Old
Spring 09
Easter 09
I really cannot believe that it has already been a year. It feels like we were just complaining about our oh so joyous pregnancy symptoms! ;) I will always remember her surfer look at the hospital as well....she is a cutie!