Monday, June 29, 2009

Hawaiin Luau at its best.

This Saturday we celebrated the girl's birthday with a bunch of our family and friends. I don't know what we were thinking having an outdoor party on a day that was estimated to be at 95 degrees, but the date was scheduled and we were ready to party. I think the kids had fun playing on the skip n slide and in the pool. At least they were cool. Ella is old enough now, where she can enjoy playing with all her little friends, and gets excited about all the different elements of a party.

"Mommy, when are my friends coming over."
"Mommy, can I help pick the balloons."
"Mommy when can I have my cake."

With Wren only being one, I think we enjoy watching her more then she enjoys the party. I think it is an overall tradition to let a one year old play in their cake, and that is exactly what we let her do. She was hilarious to watch, and she didn't disappoint with cake mashed all over her face.

The party ended with quite a sting, literally. Somehow a nest of yellow jackets finally got angry enough to start swarming the slip n slide. Matt and our friend Meredith got the brunt of their anger. Sorry Meredith, I hope you want to come back over to our house.

Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate.


  1. Looks like you all had a great sure have some sweet, sweet pictures!

  2. Yes, I will come back to your house. But, I will let you walk in front of me a few feet to test out the ground! Kidding of course...the kids had so much fun at the party! I love when they start to interact with each other around this age....very cute. :)
