Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bed Time Rebel

I know we are not alone in this situation. In fact, I have heard countless parents discuss this same issue. Putting kids to bed. I am not sure if all kids have a gene that goes berserk when 8:00 chimes on the clock. Once you lay them down, they need to go to the bathroom, or they need a glass of water, or a tissue, or a favorite toy, I mean the list goes on and on.

Well at the Duvall house, Ella is this kid. For the past six months she has decided that the night cannot end without Mommy or Daddy getting up fourteen time to attend her every need.

Okay, so last night we laid the girls down and Matt and I sat on the couch watching T.V.
Around 11:00 we turned out the lights and headed up the stairs to bed. Before we could, this is what we came across.

Ella, our bed time rebel...sleeping in the hallway.

All I have to say, is at least she was sleeping and not crying or complaining.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Girl! So glad you took a picture. The big question is did you leave her there or put her in her bed?

    BTW...Lily had those SAME PJ's...or some VERY similar. Old Navy Special if my memory serves me correctly! :)
