I have been going to a Ladies Bible study for about five years now. Over the years, my small group has had different woman come and go. I would have to say, that this year has been the most special group I have been apart of, and I have
truly grown to love each and every woman in the group. This year our study was called "Breaking Free." This study was about breaking free from anything and everything that keeps us from growing closer to God. It was about recognizing personal struggles and idols that stand in our way. Every friend in my group had opportunities to share major life experiences, and we shed many a tear together. Although each persons struggle was very different, we each felt as though this study was meant for us. It's funny how God works.
As we break for the summer we are left with many fond memories and a special bond in Christ that cannot be broken. When we begin again in August, this group will be different, but I will cherish the memories and friends that I have made.

Mary, Brooke, Me, Renee, Wendy, Mary, Angeline, Jennifer, Rebecka
I second all of that! i miss you!!!