Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ella's Preschool Graduation

Ella has officially graduated from Preschool. She has learned so much this year, and had the most amazing teachers; Ms. Suzie and Ms. Sheila, leading the way. They not only taught her academics, but lessons of Jesus and His love for her. I could not have asked for a better start to her school career.

Well this Wednesday, they had a ceremony to help end the year. The kids started out singing a collection of songs they had learned throughout the year.

However, Ella did not sing one single song.

My shy girl.

Afterwards, we headed down to Ella's classroom, where each child was presented a little diploma.

Ms. Suzie presented each award and told a little something about each child. Ellas wants to be a mommy when she grows up.

Ms. Suzie is such a special teacher.

We are so proud of our smart, kind, silly preschool graduate.

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