Friday, February 19, 2010

Bye Bye Passy

About seven months ago, Ella officially gave up her passy. It was without a fight, cry, or relapse of any kind. When she was a baby she could not sleep without it. If she lost it in the middle of the night, everyone knew about. In fact, we spent most nights searching for it behind or under the bed. So when she volunteered to give it up I was quite sceptical. However, she proved me wrong and seemed to become a big girl overnight. It happen so fast, and right before my eyes. Although I think my eyes were closed, because I didn't realize it happened until it was too late.

The reason I am writing this story down months after it happened, is because I held on to her passy for sentimental reasons. Just the other day, Wren found it and pulled it out of the cabinet it was in. Matt picked it up and said, "oh this is Ella's old passy, we need to throw it away."

Now I am not usually sentimental with physical items. I think a picture will suffice when it comes to remembering memories. But for a second I thought. NO!! That is my baby's.

So, I thought I would write about the life of this purple and pink piece of plastic and give it a place in Duvall history.

Farewell passy, and farewell to my baby Ella.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Wonderland Vacation

This weekend we went down to my grandparents house on Lake Martin. We were able to get down there before the snow bagan to fall. It ended up being a beautiful white weekend.

My grandma, aunt, and mom watching the snow fall.
The snow fell all day and completely covered the ground. We didn't take the girls out in the snow, but I did sneak out for a bit to take a few pictures. The three of us piled onto this cart and went riding up the road. The seats were wet, so I sat in my mom's lap while my aunt drove. You should have seen us, we looked like 'Dumb & Dumber'. I then jumped off and took a photo while my aunt took a photo.

What a view

Finally I was able to come inside to capture my girls playing.

The rest of the weekend was spent playing games, watching the olympics, and visting with family. It is always fun here at the lake and I love spending time with my grandparents.