Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Afternoon of Christmas Baking

When Matt was a kid his mom and aunts would get together and bake loads of cookies and candy for everyone to eat. For reasons I know you wouldn't understand, Matt and his cousins loved this tradition and encouraged them to start back up after several years off.

So, we met over at cousins Jeremy and Katie's home to begin or baking extravaganza. We made glazed cakes, orange balls, and sugar coated graham crackers. We smothered Carmel, pretzels and nuts with chocolate. Not to mention the bags and bags of cookies and candies that were brought before we even started.

All I have to say is we will need new pants for Christmas.

Here are the girls at work...

Laura filling jars with ingredients for "Friendship Soup"

Aunt Sandra making orange blossoms
Ella helping lay out the next baking project.
The two of us dipping pretzels in chocolate.

Ella helping Nina finish the goodies.

Cousin Julia melting butter and sugar.
Yum! They were hard to resist.
The baking crew (minus Julia).
I have to say, this is such a loving, great group of woman. I am glad to be apart of the family and their traditions.

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