A few months ago, we heard that the band Third Day was coming to Atlanta, and being huge fans, we had to get tickets. The day Matt went on ticket master, he saw a link where Third Day wired fans could get this great package deal. We are not apart of the fan club, but somehow, Matt was able to click on the link. Long story short, we were able to get third row seats and back stage passes. This was so awesome, and we were so excited to be going to the concert.
You can see how cool our seats were. It is good you can't hear how loud it was.

When we were in line to meet the band, these people walked up to us and started talking to us. It turns out it was the mother and brother of one of the guitarist. The brother; seen here with Matt, is the kid on Matt's shirt.

The meet and greet was kind of short, but we got to shake hands, get pictures, and autographs from the band members. Matt has been following Third Day since they first started. He was around when they were only playing at local churches here in Marietta. His claim to fame is that he helped them set up stage at a few concerts.

The band really like that Matt was having them sign their first t-shirt. They called it "vintage."

After we returned to our seats, we were able to see Jars of Clay.
Then a Kenya Orphan choir performed. Those kids were so cute.
Next, the newest band Glory Revealed hit the stage. Mac Powell is apart of this band, so we got to hear him twice
Now, the moment we had been waiting for, Third Days show was about to begin.

So loud, such great seats. You can see Mac Powell over Matt's shoulder

Over all, we had a great night. I hope we get to see them perform again.