This month marks one year of blogging for the Duvalls. I am so proud that I have stuck with this for a whole year. But along with this accomplishment comes my girls birthday and they are turning four and two. My babies are not longer babies. I have a big girl and a big girl wannabe. This year has seen so many events, and has many fun memories.

In this year Wren has learned to walk, and really talk. Recently she has gone from one word responses to full, mostly understandable sentences. Her favorite thing to eat is a cookie. Her favorite thing to do is play with her big sister. She fears nothing, and is up to try anything. She cries for her passy at least once a day. She is still cuddly and kissing her cheeks is the very best.
It is time to start potty training, but my stubborn girl will probably just wait until she is ready to even try. Wren is so beautiful and we love her beyond words.
Ella from three to four...

This past year Ella has really become a big girl. She helps watch out for her little sister and she actually enjoys helping out around the house. Her favorite color is blue, and she colors her pictures totally in blue and in the lines. She is timid when we do new things, but she quickly warms up, and is ready to try anything. She loves to swim and play outside. I have to say, I think she enjoys talking back. This year she has learned to swing all by herself, and is learning to read. She cannot wait to start school this fall and she talks about it often. Ella is sweet, caring, and oh so beautiful. We love her beyond words.
your girls are both beautiful...and I love reading your blog! happy first blogaversary! :)