Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On the Third Day

This morning we thought we would take the girls out to the pier. We walked far out to watch the fisherman hard at play. It is such a trip looking down at the ocean so far off shore. You might think I am weird, but any time I am far out, I am always looking for sharks. Maybe it is because I have never seen a shark in real life (outside of an aquarium). I am sorry to report, I have still not seen one.

After visiting the pier, we spent the rest of the day at the beach.

This is proof that I was actually there. Aaaahhh, relaxation

Wren was not having that much fun. I guess the sand and bright sun were too much for her. So, we decided to feed her oreos to keep her happy. Some of you may already know this about me, but I am very strict on the quantity and quality of food my kids eat. I don't let them have very many sweets. So, you know I must have been desperate if I was willing to let Wren have oreo after oreo. I didn't hear any complaints from her.

I lost count on how many she actually ate.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness....I am absolutely shocked about the Oreos! I am so proud of you! ;)
