Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm Having an Art Show

I am having an art show with three girl friends this coming Thursday. We have created art with a focus on how we see Georgia. I have taken a rural approach to our great state, and I am so happy with my newest work. I hope you are about to join us. Check out the info below on when and where. See you there.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Baby Wesley Visits

The girls cousin Baby Wesley; as so he is called, stayed with us for a few hours today. The girls were very excited for his visit, and neither one could leave him alone. They followed him, shoved toys his way, and kept me informed of his every move. Since Baby Wesley lives several hours a way, the girls don't get to see very often, so today was a fun day for all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School

Ella could not be more excited to start her first day of school. She woke up with a smile, ate her pop tart, and packed up her lunch box in her school bag. Off to school we go.

Wren did not understand where Ella was going, especially without her, but she could feel the excitement too.

We had to get all those poses in
Down the hallway...
and into the room...
Not a tear or a look back to see. Our brave girl is off on her newest adventure.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meet and Greet

It is hard to believe my baby girl is starting school. Preschool to be exact, and she is so excited. We have been telling her for months, that when she turned four, she would start school. Since her fourth birthday, it is all she talks about. Well the day is finally here.

The day before Ella officially started, we went to see her class room, and meet her teacher, Mrs. Suzie. She had a great time coloring a paper look-a-like, seeing all the stations, and meeting a couple of new friends. I just know she is going to have a great time at school.